Anonymous Hotline

CCOR has a dedicated hotline for employees to juse when they wish to report anonymously.
The number for the anonymous hotline is: (585) 546 -1219

Compliance / Whistle Blowing

It is a responsibility that all employees of CCOR understand their responsibility in reporting suspected Non-Compliance Issues.  This is covered in your initial and annual in-servicing for CCOR.  Federal law allows you the employee to have the ability to report information regarding Non-Compliance Issues anonymously.  Employees must also be assured that CCOR cannot intimidate or retaliate against any employee who reporting in good faith any suspected Non-Compliance Issues.

What are Non-Compliance Issues?

  • billing and charging your insurance for any service not provided to you.
  • not following CCOR's Code of Conduct
  • Fraud/Abuse/Neglect
  • Not documenting care provided
  • Not following rules and regulations


Chief Compliance Officer
Molly Ford
Phone: (585) 546-1600 x140
- Oversees any allegations of non-compliance
Quality Assurance Manager
Phone: (585) 546-1600 x121
- Investigates all incidents and works in the compliance department


The Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 2013, requires CCOR (CCOR employees and business associates) to maintain the confidentiality of all your healthcare records and other identifiable patient health information (PHI). Your signature represents that you have received this information at the time services began with CCOR. You may revoke you consent through our Privacy Officer at any time.